Magic Combat Gui Layout
constructor(xAnchorRel: Float, yAnchorRel: Float, buttonWidthPx: Float, buttonHeightPx: Float, a: Float, color: Color, paddingPx: Float, xTooltipRel: Float, yTooltipRel: Float, textSpacingBufferPx: Float, fontPath: String, xMessageRel: Float, yMessageRel: Float)
x Anchor Rel
position in relative coordinates (value between 0 and 1) where the top-left corner of first button group of the UI shall be placed. Note that org.magiclib.combatgui.buttons.MagicCombatActionButtons will be placed above this.
y Anchor Rel
cf. xAnchorRel
button Width Px
button width in pixels, e.g. 100f
button Height Px
button height in pixels, e.g. 20f
value between 0 and 1, button opacity, e.g. 0.5f
applies to buttons and text
padding Px
space between buttons in pixels, e.g. 5f
x Tooltip Rel
position in relative coordinates (value between 0 and 1) where tooltips will be displayed
y Tooltip Rel
cf. xTooltipRel
text Spacing Buffer Px
space in pixels to reserve for text, e.g. 25f
font Path
path to a Starsector font, e.g. "graphics/fonts/insignia15LTaa.fnt"
x Message Rel
position in relative coordinates (value between 0 and 1) where messages will be displayed
y Message Rel
cf. xMessageRel