Package-level declarations
implement this interface to tell a button group what action to perform
Set of parameters to define positioning/size etc. of a button group. Only use for custom button groups. Coordinates are screen coordinates.
Implement this interface to create buttons for a button group Consider using MagicCombatCreateSimpleButtons rather than creating your own action
Simple implementation of MagicCombatCreateButtonsAction interface that creates a button for each entry in names.
If possible, use org.magiclib.combatgui.MagicCombatGuiBase.addButtonGroup rather than using this class directly!
pass this to org.magiclib.combatgui.MagicCombatGuiBase.addButtonGroup as refresh to enable radio-button behavior
defines an action to be performed whenever anything happens Use this to e.g. disable buttons that are incompatible with other active buttons