
abstract class MagicCombatDataButtonGroup(val font: <Error class: unknown class>?, var descriptionText: String, val layout: MagicCombatButtonGroupLayout)

If possible, use org.magiclib.combatgui.MagicCombatGuiBase.addButtonGroup rather than using this class directly!

This class provides an inheritance-based option to create your buttons, whereas org.magiclib.combatgui.MagicCombatGuiBase.addButtonGroup instead allows you to pass actions for creating/refreshing buttons and the action to execute.

base class defining a group of buttons with each button representing a possible date and the whole group representing a data set defined by the sum of data of all active buttons.

In other words, this represents a row (or column) of buttons. All buttons in that row perform the same action when clicked. When a button is clicked, that action is performed with the data of all active buttons.

buttons get activated/deactivated by the user by clicking on them when a button is clicked, executeAction gets called with the sum of data of all active buttons

If, for instance, we have two buttons with corresponding data 1 and respectively, and the user activates the first button, [1] will be passed as data to the groupAction and 1 as triggeringButtonData. If the user then clicks the second button [1, 2], will be passed as data and 2 as triggeringButtonData.

Extend this class by implementing createButtons, refresh and executeAction







LazyFont object


text to be rendered above the group


defines where/how the group gets rendered


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constructor(font: <Error class: unknown class>?, descriptionText: String, layout: MagicCombatButtonGroupLayout)


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fun addButton(text: String, data: Any, tooltip: String, isActive: Boolean = true)

Add a new button to a button group

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Needs to be called every frame. Checks if a button was clicked/hovered over during that frame

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abstract fun createButtons()

Override me! Gets called on construction. Create all buttons belonging to this group in the implementation of this method. Check MagicCombatCreateSimpleButtons for an example implementation.

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fun disableButton(title: String)

Disable (i.e. grey out and make un-clickable) button with given title/text/name

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Hopefully self-explanatory =)

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abstract fun executeAction(data: List<Any>, triggeringButtonData: Any? = null, deselectedButtonData: Any? = null)

Override me! Gets called whenever a button in this group gets clicked. Implement the actual logic you want your button group to perform in here.

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open fun onHover()

Override this method to perform some action when the user hovers over a button in the group.

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abstract fun refresh()

Override me! Gets called whenever a button of any group gets pressed (or something calls for a re-render). If you e.g. want to enable/disable buttons or change tooltips based on the current state, implement that logic in this method. Otherwise, an empty method will do.

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Refresh state (active/inactive) of all buttons

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fun render()

Needs to be called every frame from a render-method, such as e.g. com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin.renderInUICoords

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fun resetGrid()

Reset grid positions back to original values. Call this method if you want to e.g. change something and recreate buttons


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val buttons: <Error class: unknown class>
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val font: <Error class: unknown class>?
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