Magic Campaign Trail Plugin
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open fun AddTrailMemberAdvanced(linkedEntity: SectorEntityToken, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, locationAPICulling: Boolean, locationAPI: LocationAPI)
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open fun addTrailMemberAdvanced(linkedEntity: SectorEntityToken, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, locationAPICulling: Boolean, locationAPI: LocationAPI)
Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail.
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open fun AddTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: SectorEntityToken, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, locationAPICulling: Boolean, locationAPI: LocationAPI)
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open fun addTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: SectorEntityToken, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, locationAPICulling: Boolean, locationAPI: LocationAPI)
Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail.
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open fun addTrailMemberSimple(linkedEntity: SectorEntityToken, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, speed: Float, angle: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, color: Color, opacity: Float, duration: Float, additive: Boolean, offsetVelocity: Vector2f)
Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail.
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"Cuts" all trails on a designated entity, forcing new trail pieces to not link up with old ones.
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A small function to get a unique ID for the trail member: *must* be saved in the function that generates the trail, since if it changes it counts as a new trail altogether
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