
open fun addTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: CombatEntityAPI, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, additive: Boolean, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, textureOffset: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, advancedOptions: Map<String, Any>, layerToRenderOn: CombatEngineLayers, frameOffsetMult: Float)

Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail. This function is similar to the Advanced function, but allows the trail to change its texture each time a new member is added. It will always use the texture of the most recently-added member. If the texture is not supposed to be animated, do NOT use this function: it runs notably slower.



The entity this trail is attached to, used for cutting trails. Can be Null, but that should really only be done in weird, edge-case scenarios


The ID for this specific trail. Preferably get this from getUniqueID, but it's not required: just expect very weird results if you don't


Which sprite to draw for this trail: if changed mid-trail, the entire trail uses the new sprite.


Starting position for this piece of trail


The starting speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


The ending speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


Which angle this piece of trail has in degrees; determines which direction it moves, and which direction its size is measured over


The angular velocity this trail piece has when spawned. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The angular velocity this trail piece has just before disappearing. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The starting size (or rather width) this piece of trail has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The ending size (or rather width) this trail piece has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The color this piece of trail has when spawned. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The color this piece of trail has just before disappearing. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The starting opacity of this piece of trail. Is a value between 0f and 1f. The opacity gradually approaches 0f over the trail's duration


How long this trail spends "fading in"; for this many seconds, the opacity of the trail piece steadily increases until reaching "opacity". A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail uses its maximum opacity. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail spends "fading out"; over this many seconds at the end of the trail's duration, its opacity goes from "opacity" to 0f. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


Whether this trail will use additive blending or not. Does not support being changed in the middle of a trail


How many SU it takes for the texture to loop. Should preferably be non-zero. If the trail is not supposed to loop, put this as -1f


How fast, and in which direction, the texture scrolls over the trail. Defined so that 1000 means scrolling the entire texture length once per second, and 2000 means scrolling the entire texture length twice per second


Optional texture offset to prevent repetitions between trails, default:0, fixed random offset: -1;


The offset velocity of the trail; this is an additional velocity that is unaffected by rotation and facing, and will never change over the trail's lifetime


The most unique and special options go in a special Map<> here. Be careful to input the correct type values and use the right data keys. Any new features will be added here to keep compatibility with old mod versions. Can be null. Currently supported keys: "SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH" : Float - How much additional width the trail gains each "pulse", at most. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_COUNT "SIZE_PULSE_COUNT" : Integer - How many times the trail "pulses" its width over its lifetime. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH "FORWARD_PROPAGATION" : Boolean - If the trail uses the legacy render method of "forward propagation". Used to be the default. CANNOT be changed mid-trail


Which combat layer to render the trail on. All available layers are specified in CombatEngineLayers. Old behaviour was CombatEngineLayers.BELOW_INDICATORS_LAYER. CANNOT change mid-trail, under any circumstance


The per-frame multiplier for the per-frame velocity offset magnitude. Used to finely adjust trail offset at different speeds. Default: 1f

open fun addTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: CombatEntityAPI, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, textureOffset: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, advancedOptions: Map<String, Any>, layerToRenderOn: CombatEngineLayers, frameOffsetMult: Float)

Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail. This function is similar to the Advanced function, but allows the trail to change its texture each time a new member is added. It will always use the texture of the most recently-added member. If the texture is not supposed to be animated, do NOT use this function: it runs notably slower.



The entity this trail is attached to, used for cutting trails. Can be Null, but that should really only be done in weird, edge-case scenarios


The ID for this specific trail. Preferably get this from getUniqueID, but it's not required: just expect very weird results if you don't


Which sprite to draw for this trail: if changed mid-trail, the entire trail uses the new sprite.


Starting position for this piece of trail


The starting speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


The ending speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


Which angle this piece of trail has in degrees; determines which direction it moves, and which direction its size is measured over


The angular velocity this trail piece has when spawned. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The angular velocity this trail piece has just before disappearing. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The starting size (or rather width) this piece of trail has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The ending size (or rather width) this trail piece has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The color this piece of trail has when spawned. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The color this piece of trail has just before disappearing. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The starting opacity of this piece of trail. Is a value between 0f and 1f. The opacity gradually approaches 0f over the trail's duration


How long this trail spends "fading in"; for this many seconds, the opacity of the trail piece steadily increases until reaching "opacity". A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail uses its maximum opacity. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail spends "fading out"; over this many seconds at the end of the trail's duration, its opacity goes from "opacity" to 0f. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


Which SRD openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, just put it as GL_SRC_ALPHA


Which DEST openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, put it as GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA for normal blending and GL_ONE for additive blending


How many SU it takes for the texture to loop. Should preferably be non-zero. If the trail is not supposed to loop, put this as -1f


How fast, and in which direction, the texture scrolls over the trail. Defined so that 1000 means scrolling the entire texture length once per second, and 2000 means scrolling the entire texture length twice per second


Optional texture offset to prevent repetitions between trails, default:0, fixed random offset: -1;


The offset velocity of the trail; this is an additional velocity that is unaffected by rotation and facing, and will never change over the trail's lifetime


The most unique and special options go in a special Map<> here. Be careful to input the correct type values and use the right data keys. Any new features will be added here to keep compatibility with old mod versions. Can be null. Currently supported keys: "SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH" : Float - How much additional width the trail gains each "pulse", at most. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_COUNT "SIZE_PULSE_COUNT" : Integer - How many times the trail "pulses" its width over its lifetime. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH "FORWARD_PROPAGATION" : Boolean - If the trail uses the legacy render method of "forward propagation". Used to be the default. CANNOT be changed mid-trail


Which combat layer to render the trail on. All available layers are specified in CombatEngineLayers. Old behaviour was CombatEngineLayers.BELOW_INDICATORS_LAYER. CANNOT change mid-trail, under any circumstance


The per-frame multiplier for the per-frame velocity offset magnitude. Used to finely adjust trail offset at different speeds

open fun addTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: CombatEntityAPI, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, additive: Boolean, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, advancedOptions: Map<String, Any>, layerToRenderOn: CombatEngineLayers, frameOffsetMult: Float)


Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail. This function is similar to the Advanced function, but allows the trail to change its texture each time a new member is added. It will always use the texture of the most recently-added member. If the texture is not supposed to be animated, do NOT use this function: it runs notably slower.



The entity this trail is attached to, used for cutting trails. Can be Null, but that should really only be done in weird, edge-case scenarios


The ID for this specific trail. Preferably get this from getUniqueID, but it's not required: just expect very weird results if you don't


Which sprite to draw for this trail: if changed mid-trail, the entire trail uses the new sprite.


Starting position for this piece of trail


The starting speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


The ending speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


Which angle this piece of trail has in degrees; determines which direction it moves, and which direction its size is measured over


The angular velocity this trail piece has when spawned. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The angular velocity this trail piece has just before disappearing. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The starting size (or rather width) this piece of trail has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The ending size (or rather width) this trail piece has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The color this piece of trail has when spawned. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The color this piece of trail has just before disappearing. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The starting opacity of this piece of trail. Is a value between 0f and 1f. The opacity gradually approaches 0f over the trail's duration


How long this trail spends "fading in"; for this many seconds, the opacity of the trail piece steadily increases until reaching "opacity". A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail uses its maximum opacity. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail spends "fading out"; over this many seconds at the end of the trail's duration, its opacity goes from "opacity" to 0f. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How many SU it takes for the texture to loop. Should preferably be non-zero. If the trail is not supposed to loop, put this as -1f


How fast, and in which direction, the texture scrolls over the trail. Defined so that 1000 means scrolling the entire texture length once per second, and 2000 means scrolling the entire texture length twice per second


The offset velocity of the trail; this is an additional velocity that is unaffected by rotation and facing, and will never change over the trail's lifetime


The most unique and special options go in a special Map<> here. Be careful to input the correct type values and use the right data keys. Any new features will be added here to keep compatibility with old mod versions. Can be null. Currently supported keys: "SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH" : Float - How much additional width the trail gains each "pulse", at most. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_COUNT "SIZE_PULSE_COUNT" : Integer - How many times the trail "pulses" its width over its lifetime. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH "FORWARD_PROPAGATION" : Boolean - If the trail uses the legacy render method of "forward propagation". Used to be the default. CANNOT be changed mid-trail

open fun addTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: CombatEntityAPI, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, advancedOptions: Map<String, Any>, layerToRenderOn: CombatEngineLayers, frameOffsetMult: Float)


Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail. This function is similar to the Advanced function, but allows the trail to change its texture each time a new member is added. It will always use the texture of the most recently-added member. If the texture is not supposed to be animated, do NOT use this function: it runs notably slower.



The entity this trail is attached to, used for cutting trails. Can be Null, but that should really only be done in weird, edge-case scenarios


The ID for this specific trail. Preferably get this from getUniqueID, but it's not required: just expect very weird results if you don't


Which sprite to draw for this trail: if changed mid-trail, the entire trail uses the new sprite.


Starting position for this piece of trail


The starting speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


The ending speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


Which angle this piece of trail has in degrees; determines which direction it moves, and which direction its size is measured over


The angular velocity this trail piece has when spawned. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The angular velocity this trail piece has just before disappearing. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The starting size (or rather width) this piece of trail has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The ending size (or rather width) this trail piece has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The color this piece of trail has when spawned. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The color this piece of trail has just before disappearing. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The starting opacity of this piece of trail. Is a value between 0f and 1f. The opacity gradually approaches 0f over the trail's duration


How long this trail spends "fading in"; for this many seconds, the opacity of the trail piece steadily increases until reaching "opacity". A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail uses its maximum opacity. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail spends "fading out"; over this many seconds at the end of the trail's duration, its opacity goes from "opacity" to 0f. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


Which SRD openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, just put it as GL_SRC_ALPHA


Which DEST openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, put it as GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA for normal blending and GL_ONE for additive blending


How many SU it takes for the texture to loop. Should preferably be non-zero. If the trail is not supposed to loop, put this as -1f


How fast, and in which direction, the texture scrolls over the trail. Defined so that 1000 means scrolling the entire texture length once per second, and 2000 means scrolling the entire texture length twice per second


The offset velocity of the trail; this is an additional velocity that is unaffected by rotation and facing, and will never change over the trail's lifetime


The most unique and special options go in a special Map<> here. Be careful to input the correct type values and use the right data keys. Any new features will be added here to keep compatibility with old mod versions. Can be null. Currently supported keys: "SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH" : Float - How much additional width the trail gains each "pulse", at most. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_COUNT "SIZE_PULSE_COUNT" : Integer - How many times the trail "pulses" its width over its lifetime. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH "FORWARD_PROPAGATION" : Boolean - If the trail uses the legacy render method of "forward propagation". Used to be the default. CANNOT be changed mid-trail


Which combat layer to render the trail on. All available layers are specified in CombatEngineLayers. Old behaviour was CombatEngineLayers.BELOW_INDICATORS_LAYER. CANNOT change mid-trail, under any circumstance


The per-frame multiplier for the per-frame velocity offset magnitude. Used to finely adjust trail offset at different speeds

open fun addTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: CombatEntityAPI, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, advancedOptions: Map<String, Any>)


Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail. This function is similar to the Advanced function, but allows the trail to change its texture each time a new member is added. It will always use the texture of the most recently-added member. If the texture is not supposed to be animated, do NOT use this function: it runs notably slower.



The entity this trail is attached to, used for cutting trails. Can be Null, but that should really only be done in weird, edge-case scenarios


The ID for this specific trail. Preferably get this from getUniqueID, but it's not required: just expect very weird results if you don't


Which sprite to draw for this trail: if changed mid-trail, the entire trail uses the new sprite.


Starting position for this piece of trail


The starting speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


The ending speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


Which angle this piece of trail has in degrees; determines which direction it moves, and which direction its size is measured over


The angular velocity this trail piece has when spawned. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The angular velocity this trail piece has just before disappearing. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The starting size (or rather width) this piece of trail has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The ending size (or rather width) this trail piece has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The color this piece of trail has when spawned. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The color this piece of trail has just before disappearing. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The starting opacity of this piece of trail. Is a value between 0f and 1f. The opacity gradually approaches 0f over the trail's duration


How long this trail spends "fading in"; for this many seconds, the opacity of the trail piece steadily increases until reaching "opacity". A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail uses its maximum opacity. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail spends "fading out"; over this many seconds at the end of the trail's duration, its opacity goes from "opacity" to 0f. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


Which SRD openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, just put it as GL_SRC_ALPHA


Which DEST openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, put it as GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA for normal blending and GL_ONE for additive blending


How many SU it takes for the texture to loop. Should preferably be non-zero. If the trail is not supposed to loop, put this as -1f


How fast, and in which direction, the texture scrolls over the trail. Defined so that 1000 means scrolling the entire texture length once per second, and 2000 means scrolling the entire texture length twice per second


The offset velocity of the trail; this is an additional velocity that is unaffected by rotation and facing, and will never change over the trail's lifetime


The most unique and special options go in a special Map<> here. Be careful to input the correct type values and use the right data keys. Any new features will be added here to keep compatibility with old mod versions. Can be null. Currently supported keys: "SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH" : Float - How much additional width the trail gains each "pulse", at most. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_COUNT "SIZE_PULSE_COUNT" : Integer - How many times the trail "pulses" its width over its lifetime. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH "FORWARD_PROPAGATION" : Boolean - If the trail uses the legacy render method of "forward propagation". Used to be the default. CANNOT be changed mid-trail

open fun addTrailMemberAnimated(linkedEntity: CombatEntityAPI, ID: Float, sprite: SpriteAPI, position: Vector2f, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, angle: Float, startAngularVelocity: Float, endAngularVelocity: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, opacity: Float, inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, textureLoopLength: Float, textureScrollSpeed: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, advancedOptions: Map<String, Any>, layerToRenderOn: CombatEngineLayers)


Spawns a trail piece, which links up with other pieces with the same ID to form a smooth trail. This function is similar to the Advanced function, but allows the trail to change its texture each time a new member is added. It will always use the texture of the most recently-added member. If the texture is not supposed to be animated, do NOT use this function: it runs notably slower.



The entity this trail is attached to, used for cutting trails. Can be Null, but that should really only be done in weird, edge-case scenarios


The ID for this specific trail. Preferably get this from getUniqueID, but it's not required: just expect very weird results if you don't


Which sprite to draw for this trail: if changed mid-trail, the entire trail uses the new sprite.


Starting position for this piece of trail


The starting speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


The ending speed, in SU, this trail piece is moving at. The trail piece smoothly transitions from its startSpeed to its endSpeed over its duration


Which angle this piece of trail has in degrees; determines which direction it moves, and which direction its size is measured over


The angular velocity this trail piece has when spawned. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The angular velocity this trail piece has just before disappearing. The angular velocity of a trail piece smoothly transitions from startAngularVelocity to endAngularVelocity over its duration


The starting size (or rather width) this piece of trail has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The ending size (or rather width) this trail piece has. Measured in SU. A trail smoothly transitions from its startSize to its endSize over its duration


The color this piece of trail has when spawned. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The color this piece of trail has just before disappearing. Can be changed in the middle of a trail, and will blend smoothly between pieces. Ignores alpha component entirely. Each trail piece smoothly transitions from startColor to endColor over its duration


The starting opacity of this piece of trail. Is a value between 0f and 1f. The opacity gradually approaches 0f over the trail's duration


How long this trail spends "fading in"; for this many seconds, the opacity of the trail piece steadily increases until reaching "opacity". A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail uses its maximum opacity. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


How long a trail spends "fading out"; over this many seconds at the end of the trail's duration, its opacity goes from "opacity" to 0f. A trail's total duration is inDuration + mainDuration + outDuration


Which SRD openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, just put it as GL_SRC_ALPHA


Which DEST openGL blend mode to use for the trail. If you are unsure of what this means, put it as GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA for normal blending and GL_ONE for additive blending


How many SU it takes for the texture to loop. Should preferably be non-zero. If the trail is not supposed to loop, put this as -1f


How fast, and in which direction, the texture scrolls over the trail. Defined so that 1000 means scrolling the entire texture length once per second, and 2000 means scrolling the entire texture length twice per second


The offset velocity of the trail; this is an additional velocity that is unaffected by rotation and facing, and will never change over the trail's lifetime


The most unique and special options go in a special Map<> here. Be careful to input the correct type values and use the right data keys. Any new features will be added here to keep compatibility with old mod versions. Can be null. Currently supported keys: "SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH" : Float - How much additional width the trail gains each "pulse", at most. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_COUNT "SIZE_PULSE_COUNT" : Integer - How many times the trail "pulses" its width over its lifetime. Used in conjunction with SIZE_PULSE_WIDTH "FORWARD_PROPAGATION" : Boolean - If the trail uses the legacy render method of "forward propagation". Used to be the default. CANNOT be changed mid-trail


Which combat layer to render the trail on. All available layers are specified in CombatEngineLayers. Old behaviour was CombatEngineLayers.BELOW_INDICATORS_LAYER. CANNOT change mid-trail, under any circumstance