
General script meant to be modified for each implementation. Causes a projectile to rotate mid-flight depending on several settings, simulating guidance HOW TO USE: Copy this file where you want it and rename+adjust values

Find the projectile to guide using any method you want (everyframe script, weapon-mounted everyframe script, mine-spawning etc.)

Run "engine.addPlugin(MagicGuidedProjectileScript(proj, target));" with:

- MagicGuidedProjectileScript being replaced with your new class name

- proj being the projectile to guide

- target being the initial target (if any) You're done! Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 (




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constructor(proj: DamagingProjectileAPI, target: CombatEntityAPI)
Initializer for the guided projectile script


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open fun advance(amount: Float, events: List<InputEventAPI>)