PDDrone Subsystem
Spawns a PD drone. Has no usable key and doesn't take a key index.
Uses system stats to calculate the actual drone charges based on {@link MagicSubsystem#scaleSystemStat(float, float)}
Drones will deploy when ship is dead only if dronesExplodeWhenShipDies returns false. Otherwise, they would explode in the next frame.
All drones will explode when the ship dies.
Drones will still advance while the ship is dead no matter what.
Time to store a single drone charge. This is only used if the hasSeparateDroneCharges method returns true.
Delay between subsequent drone deployments if multiple need to be deployed at once.
Formation object that controls drones. The two implemented by this library are HoveringFormation and SpinningCircleFormation. To create your own, you should extend the DroneFormation class.
Flux cost on drone deployment.
Flux cost on drone deployment as percent of base flux capacity of the ship.
This is useful if you want a charged subsystem to use while allowing drones to have their own set of charges that recharge in parallel.
Set flux cost on drone deployment to be hard flux.
Whether a drone should be spawned on the next deployment interval, if the amount of drones is below the limit and we have charges to spawn the drone. To force spawn a drone, set dronesToSpawn.