find Suitable Target
Returns a random target SectorEntityToken given the following parameters:
List of IDs of preferred markets to target, supercedes all, default to other parameters if none of those markets exist
List of faction to pick a market from, supercedes all but market ids, default to other parameters if none of those markets exist
"CORE", "CLOSE", "FAR", preferred range band for the target system if any
List of preferred system themes TAGS from campaign.ids.Tags, plus "PROCGEN_NO_THEME" and "PROCGEN_NO_THEME_NO_PULSAR_NO_BLACKHOLE"
List of blacklisted system themes
List of preferred entity types from campaign.ids.Tags
If none of the systems in the required range band has any of the required entities, will the script default to any entity within a system with the proper range and themes instead of looking into a different range band
Will the script target unexplored systems first before falling back to ones that have been visited by the player
Log some debug messages