
open class MagicTxt

Contains some String-related utility functions.


Tartiflette, Wisp


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Takes a string with the format "This is a ==highlighted== sentence with ==words==.


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open fun addPara(text: TextPanelAPI, str: String, textColor: Color, highlightColor: Color)
Uses MagicDisplayableText to add a paragraph to the given TextPanelAPI.
open fun addPara(text: TooltipMakerAPI, str: String, padding: Float, textColor: Color, highlightColor: Color)
Uses MagicDisplayableText to add a paragraph to the given TooltipMakerAPI.
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Takes a string with the format "This is a ==highlighted word== string.
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open fun ellipsizeStringAfterLength(str: String, length: Int): String
If the string is longer than the given length, returns the string truncated to the given length with "..." appended.
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open fun getString(id: String): String
open fun getString(id: String, args: Array<String>): String
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open fun nullStringIfEmpty(input: String): String
If the input is an empty string, returns null.
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open fun replaceAllIfPresent(stringToReplace: String, regex: String, stringCreator: StringCreator): String
Replaces all instances of the given regex with the string returned from stringCreator.