
open class MagicCombatGuiBase constructor(guiLayout: MagicCombatGuiLayout = createDefaultMagicCombatGuiLayout())

The base class you need to extend/inherit from to create a GUI.

Call the constructor of this class in your constructor (via super) and pass it a guiLayout object. You can use the defaultGuiLayout by passing nothing if you want to get started quickly.

Override getTitleString to set a display title.

Call MagicCombatGuiBase.addButton and/or addButtonGroup in your constructor to define what the GUI does.

Call this classes advance and render in a BaseEveryFrame(Combat)Script advance/render methods.

It makes sense to create a new GUI object when a hotkey is pressed.

To get started quickly, you can use the SampleMagicCombatGuiLauncher.

Example implementation:

public class ExampleCombatGui extends GuiBase {
// GUI setup work is done in constructor
public ExampleCombatGui(){
new MagicCombatGuiLayout(0.05f, 0.8f, 100f, 20f, 0.5f,
Color.WHITE,5f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 25f,
"graphics/fonts/insignia15LTaa.fnt", 0.4f, 0.4f)

addButton(new MyButtonAction(), // MyButtonAction is a class you need to write that implements [ButtonAction]
"MyButton", // title of the button, i.e. text displayed on the button
"my tooltip text", // text to display when user hovers over the button
false // if the button should be disabled (usually false)

new MagicCombatMyButtonGroupAction(), // A class you need to write that implements [ButtonGroupAction]
new MagicCombatCreateSimpleButtons( // you can also write your own class that implements [CreateButtonsAction]
Arrays.asList("button1", "button2"),
"Example button group"

protected String getTitleString() {
return "This is an example title";

protected String getMessageString() {
return "This is a sample message";






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constructor(guiLayout: MagicCombatGuiLayout = createDefaultMagicCombatGuiLayout())


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object Companion


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open fun advance()

Call this every frame in your e.g. com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin. Executes button logic, such as checking which button was clicked and executing actions when appropriate.

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open fun render()

Call this every frame in your e.g. com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin. Renders buttons, texts and tooltips.

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Delete all buttons from button groups and re-create them with the given MagicCombatCreateButtonsAction.


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