
open class MagicFakeBeam

Fake beam generator. Create a visually convincing beam from arbitrary coordinates. It however has several limitation: - It deal damage instantly and is therefore only meant to be used for burst beams. - It cannot be "cut" by another object passing between the two ends, thus a very short duration is preferable. - Unlike vanilla, it deals full damage to armor, be careful when using HIGH_EXPLOSIVE damage type. It's usage is recommended for short snappy beams or for FX.


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open fun getCollisionPointOnCircumference(segStart: Vector2f, segEnd: Vector2f, circleCenter: Vector2f, circleRadius: Float): Vector2f
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open fun getShipCollisionPoint(segStart: Vector2f, segEnd: Vector2f, ship: ShipAPI, aim: Float): Vector2f
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open fun spawnAdvancedFakeBeam(engine: CombatEngineAPI, from: Vector2f, range: Float, angle: Float, widthIn: Float, widthOut: Float, growth: Float, textureCore: String, textureFringe: String, textureLength: Float, textureScroll: Float, smoothIn: Float, smoothOut: Float, full: Float, fading: Float, impactSize: Float, core: Color, fringe: Color, normalDamage: Float, type: DamageType, emp: Float, source: ShipAPI)
Fake beam generator.
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open fun spawnFakeBeam(engine: CombatEngineAPI, from: Vector2f, range: Float, angle: Float, width: Float, full: Float, fading: Float, impactSize: Float, core: Color, fringe: Color, normalDamage: Float, type: DamageType, emp: Float, source: ShipAPI)
Fake beam generator.