Magic Trail Object
This file isn't meant to be used directly; use the MagicTrailPlugin to actually do anything properly. Your mod will most likely lose backwards-compatibility if you try to call this class' constructor manually, so don't.
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constructor(inDuration: Float, mainDuration: Float, outDuration: Float, startSize: Float, endSize: Float, startAngleVelocity: Float, endAngleVelocity: Float, mainOpacity: Float, blendModeSRC: Int, blendModeDEST: Int, startSpeed: Float, endSpeed: Float, startColor: Color, endColor: Color, angle: Float, spawnLocation: Vector2f, textureLoopLength: Float, textureoffset: Float, offsetVelocity: Vector2f, sizePulseWidth: Float, sizePulseCount: Float)